Get to know our terms of use

Last updated February 1st, 2021

I declare for due purposes that I agree with the Rules of use and specifications of the chosen plan. All features and limitations per plan can be found at If the plan is customized, a “Software license agreement” must be signed.

The CONTRACTING PARTY is aware that using the WEHELP plans includes:

  • • License to use the customer satisfaction monitoring platform via E-mail, widget or link, using the Net Promoter System methodology, with real-time reporting, support via e-mail and chat. For sending via SMS, the CONTRACTING PARTY must have an account with one of the providers integrated with our software.
  • • Data confidentiality, the customer and data base is the property of the CONTRACTING PARTY, and WEHELP (Aranda Enterprise LLC) must ensure it with complete security and confidentiality;
  • • No possibility of parallel uses of the Software, that is, the CONTRACTING PARTY may not use the tool provided by WEHELP for any purpose other than monitoring customer satisfaction (for example, email marketing), under penalty of suspension of account in the software;
  • • The TERM is valid for an indefinite period and can be canceled at any time, without a contractual penalty.
  • • For the services, the CONTRACTING PARTY will pay, monthly to WEHELP, the amount specified at the time of purchase, being entitled to non-cumulative credits and the number of users presented in its choice plan. The platform is prepaid and payment must be made for the release of research submission credits. Credits are not cumulative for the following month.
  • • All payments of taxes, fees and charges arising from this TERM, incident in the Brazilian territory, will be the exclusive responsibility of the CONTRACTING PARTY.
  • • All payments of taxes, fees and charges arising from this TERM, incurred in the American territory, will be the sole responsibility of WEHELP.
  • • The platform will be automatically blocked in the event of a 7 (seven) day payment delay, returning to normal as soon as the system identifies the settlement of the debt;
  • • In order for the following monthly fee not to be charged, the cancellation or block must be requested up to the penultimate business day of the month directly in the software, on the "Financial" page.
  • • By accepting these terms, the CONTRACTING PARTY authorizes us to include the NPS of its units in the “Benchmark” of WEHELP anonymously. If you do not wish to participate in the “BENCHMARK, the CONTRACTING PARTY must disable this option on the page“ Settings.


  • I. The CONTRACTING PARTY declares that, by virtue of this instrument, it will be exclusively responsible for requesting and transmitting personal data from its customers to the CONTRACTOR and, pursuant to this instrument, it will have, together with the CONTRACTOR, access to such data;
  • II. The PARTIES declare that they wish to safeguard the custody and confidentiality and the adequacy in the treatment of the personal data that they may have access to as a result of the commercial operations that they intend to develop, during and after this instrument herein concluded, in the exact terms of the Law 13,709 of 2018, General Data Protection Law;
  • III. The PARTIES declare that they consider, for the purposes of this instrument, PERSONAL DATA any and all data whose holder is an individual and / or legal entity and, through it, is the identified or identifiable person, such as, but not limited to the name, document numbers, photos, signatures, profession, location data, e-mail address, information related to physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, racial or ethnic origin, religious belief, political opinion, union or organization membership religious, philosophical or political, health or sexual life data, genetic or biometric data;
  • IV. The PARTIES declare that they consider, for the purposes of this instrument, SENSITIVE DATA any and all personal data about racial or ethnic origin, religious belief, political opinion, affiliation The union or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature, data relating to health or sexual life, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person;
  • V. THE PARTIES declare that they consider, for the purposes of this instrument, PARENT COMPANY any natural or legal person, of public or private law, to whom the decisions referring to the processing of personal data are responsible and that any PARTY may also be called the PARENT COMPANY;
  • VI. The PARTIES declare that they consider, for the purposes of this instrument, the OPERATOR the natural or legal person, of public or private law, who performs the processing of personal data on behalf of the controller and that any of the PARTIES, may also be called OPERATOR;
  • VII. The PARTIES declare that they consider, for the purposes of this instrument, TREATMENT OF PERSONAL DATA any and all contact made with personal data, such as those referring to the collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing , archiving, storage, deletion, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction;
  • VIII. The PARTIES declare that they consider, for the purposes of this instrument, CONSENT as a free, informed and unambiguous expression by which the holder agrees with the treatment of his personal data for a specific purpose, related or not to this instrument;
  • IX. As PARTES declaram mutuamente que são familiares com as disposições contidas na Lei 13.709 de 2018, Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados, bem como seus diretores, dirigentes, funcionários e/ou agentes, em relação às necessárias medidas técnicas e organizacionais para tanto, bem como asseguram que tratarão com especial confidencialidade todos os dados pessoais que tratarem em decorrência do presente instrumento;
  • X. The CONTRACTING PARTY undertakes to expressly communicate the CONTRACTED PARTY when requesting sensitive data from its customers;
  • XI. The PARTIES mutually commit, in the position of TRANSMITTERS, to transmit personal data and / or sensitive data of third parties only when there is the proven and unequivocal consent of the data subject;
  • XII. The CONTRACTED PARTY undertakes not to share, except with the written consent of the CONTRACTING PARTY, the data that integrate the CONTRACTING PARTY's database with third parties and / or subcontractors, except for the hypothesis of the suppliers necessary for the purpose of carrying out the support provision activities via e-mail and chat, about which the contractor already agrees with the sharing, once they have adequate levels and are compatible with the data protection required in this term;
  • XIII. The PARTIES agree that non-compliance with any of the obligations contained in this clause characterizes non-compliance with the present instrument, as well as reciprocally declare that, in the event of possible non-compliance, they assume all responsibility for themselves due to inadequate treatment, whether this is a private responsibility, public, civil, criminal, regulatory or any other, even if in return.

WeHelp Software
Aranda Enterprise LLC
10006 Halesia Woods Drive,
Orlando FL, 32832

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